Bidding During Consolidation

Section 25.C.10. (Bidding during Consolidation) was added in the bargaining of the 2015 CBA.  There are bidding limitations which apply if you are:

  • Bidding a line after your first full bid period post-activation, and
  • Did not have a custom line in the first full bid period after your activation
  • Not projected for a timely consolidation (using one projected-accrued block hour per remaining non-extension consolidation day)

Example: Pilot activates in his new crew position at the beginning of the May bid period. The pilot fully participates in bidding for a line for the June bid period and receives a Regular, Secondary, or Reserve line for June. If the pilot is not on track for consolidation at the close of bidding for a July schedule, he or she will be subject to the bidding limitations discussed below.

The applicable bid restrictions are as follows:

  • The pilot may be awarded a regular line provided that the line includes at least 30 scheduled block hours, or is in the top 50% of the lines in that base in terms of scheduled block hours.  The pilot will not be awarded such a line if he doesn’t bid it or lacks the seniority to hold it. This is not a “super-seniority” provision for non-consolidated pilots.
  • The pilot may be awarded a secondary line with bidding preferences/priority determined by the SIG/SLWRG, but the pilot may not voluntarily use standby trips, reserve blocks or relief flight officer trips as part of his or her construction. Again, this is not a “super-seniority” provision for non-consolidated pilots.
  • The pilot may be awarded a reserve line only if he or she can’t be awarded a Regular or Secondary Line (as described above).

Please contact if you have any contract concerns.


Author webadmin

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