Was a Deadhead Trip Removed From Your Schedule?

Are you wondering if you keep the deviation bank associated with the removed trip? That depends on why the trip was removed. Listed below are some of the common reasons a trip may be removed from your schedule and whether or not bank monies would remain intact:

A trip is canceled by the Company
Yes, deadhead bank monies remain intact (Section 8.C.2.d).

A trip is revised
Yes. This also falls under Section 8.C.2.d. A comparison is done for the value of the deviation bank at award/assignment versus the value at block-out/actual operation. You are entitled to the higher value.

A trip is removed and you become eligible for Substitution (SUB) assignments
Yes, the Company has changed or revised a trip causing you to become eligible for SUB; the deviation bank monies will remain intact (Section 8.C.2.d). In fact, you’ll keep the bank for the original trip in addition to the bank associated with SUB assignments.

A trip is dropped
No, you won’t keep the bank because the removal of the trip was not due to a change or cancellation by the Company (Section 8.C.2.d).

A trip is Per Diem Only (PDO) bumped
No, if you are bumped you will not keep the bank. The pilot operating the trip earns the deviation credit for the trip (Section 25.L.11.b.iv).

A trip is removed due to calling in sick
If you call in sick prior to a trip, you do not retain the deviation bank. However, if you become ill or are injured during a trip, the Company is required to provide transportation back to your base or residence. Travel costs in this scenario are limited to the cost of returning to base (Section 14.B.4). You will also keep the bank for deadheads operated prior to calling sick on that trip.

A trip is bumped for training
Yes, if bumped from an entire trip, the deadhead monies remain intact (Section 25.U.2).

A trip is bumped by management
Yes, if a management pilot bumps a line pilot from their scheduled trip, the line pilot receives the deviation credit for the trip or portion of the trip removed (Section 9.A.2).

A trip is removed operationally for legality (1-in-7, international buffer, etc)
Yes, you will keep the deviation bank credit for the removed trip (Section 8.C.2.d).

For less common trip removals, retaining deviation bank credits may be dependent on the circumstances and timing of the situation (emergency drop, bereavement, etc).

Please remember that all deadhead travel is classified into two categories, Front/Back-End, and Mid-Trip. For the purpose of deviation bank credit, each category is treated separately.

If you have questions, please contact Contract Enforcement at  fedex-enforcement@alpa.org.


Author webadmin

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